Life in Pictures

Monday, October 31, 2005


Yes, winter is almost here. A little morning frost taken the same day as the picture a couple of days back.
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Little close up

OK, I can't take credit for this one. Nael took it Saturday and it was too pretty to not share (I'm sure his grandparents won't mind). 
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Friday, October 28, 2005

Well it's getting pretty cold, but the change in temperature makes for a beautiful morning fog. This picture was taken two days ago on my way from work north of North Liberty. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 23, 2005

What are you looking at?

  It's Skittles! the wonder puppy!
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Halloween is here!

ok! Here is Ian with his new best friend. And I took the picture with my new best friend... a digital Canon Rebel! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 08, 2005

SImple one I guess. Buterflies were running wild at the National Zoo.

Ok best time to hit the monuments if you are looking for cool pictures? sunset. most people are heading back home so it's quiet and they are just... well more peaceful...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Washington monument pretty much dominates DC, so here it is in all it's glory... sort of... I think is the only thing besides the Metro and the bus that I saw everyday. oh! and I put a few more pictures here: not all are great, but this way I had more than two pictures to show the family.

Well, I'm back from my vacation and little by little, here will come some pictures taken there. And what better place to start than the end? On my very last day I visited the new Air and Space museum which is big enough not only to have the first space shuttle, but also a stealth bomber, the Enola Gay and a Concorde... plus hundreds of other smallish planes and space thinguies.