I am leaving tomorrow on my first vacation in 6 years that is not to Puerto Rico. Well since will be traveling light, which means no laptop with me... I will try something different. This is a separate Blog page where I will be sending the pictures of the journey taken with my camera phone to keep the family updated. Next week I will post some of the "good" pictures taken with my digital camera. OH! of course the address for the travel blog is http://arddwyntrip1.blogspot.com/ . Oh and by the way I am going to Washington, DC and hopefully will not see ANY politicians!
Went to visit the grandparents of a friend this weekend and they had this farm full of old buildings full of history. This used to be the house where the previous owners lived many, many years ago.
Well, as it's becoming tradition during the last few years, we went yesterday to the renaissance faire. There was fighting, violence, mayhem, weapons, all in good innocent family fun.
Looking through my files I found that I really have hundreds of pictures that I would love my friends and family to see so Here is this Blog for all of them to see the beautiful and strange this that I have found and continue to find... Feel free to take a look around and click on comments to let me know what you think. You don't need to be a blogger member to leave a comment, just select the "Other" button under the comment window and leave your name.