OK, so two pictures today. The one of Ian was taken this morning, and this one I took yesterday at Palisades. I've seen this house everytime I go to the park and I still can't figure out how they get to it. beautiful view though.
Because there's not always a great camera around. This one was snapped with the only thing I had at the moment... my camera phone. Not too bad, for such a little thing.
This may not be a gorgeous picture, but I thought it was funny. It goes to see that not everything turns right when trying to take a family portrait. Chaos is the result of most of the pictures... specially if Ian is cranky
Looking through my files I found that I really have hundreds of pictures that I would love my friends and family to see so Here is this Blog for all of them to see the beautiful and strange this that I have found and continue to find... Feel free to take a look around and click on comments to let me know what you think. You don't need to be a blogger member to leave a comment, just select the "Other" button under the comment window and leave your name.